Rebuild Social

Yeah, well, that’s a good name isn’t it?

It is, but really I was just looking for a good place on the fediverse, a small community of like-minded people to hang out with.

I didn’t quite find exactly what I was looking for. I mean, sure, there were a lot of places that were close. Places full of nice people.

But there was always that small suspicion that some of the things that I do, and love, and even some of the reasons I do those things, were not really interesting to those people.

And then I happened to check the availability of this name-space: And it was free, and I bought it, because rebuilding and preparing for rebuilding is such a good heading for much of what I do.

[insert treatise about the impermanence of things here.]

But implies something doesn’t it?

It does, isn’t just an ideal space for me; it’s a valuable part of the global name-space, and now it’s been sold, to me.

So, yeah, I have to get something up and running here, and I’m first and foremost thinking of putting up a friendica server (

Get a mail server to run if I can, and opening registrations to other people who like to work on, or prepare for, rebuilding:

(Note: I’m using a stylesheet lifted from